This is an introduction to a series of posts that I will be making to define the Three Voice Hypothesis for Book of Mormon authorship attribution, developed from analyzing Book of Mormon wordprint data. Most people that read the Book of Mormon seriously intuitively feel like there are multiple voices.  For faithful LDS, the explanation […]

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Here is what will probably be the first of several Book of Mormon Wordprint Analysis posts, based on a database I put together and curiosity I’ve had for many years about ‘voices’ in the Book of Mormon.  Book of Mormon computer studies are fascinating to me, and I believe in the future they will be […]

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  Greg Prince, in a podcast interview at Mormon Stories with John Dehlin, articulated what I have referred to as New Mormonism.  New, as contrasted to the old version–the fundamentalist type Mormonism that some feel is being proven false by ‘CES Letter type issues’, ie Book of Mormon historicity, multiple First Vision Accounts, Book of […]

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LDS Faith Crisis.  This is a great document that can introduce a nuanced view of historical issues. It can be shared both with members struggling with faith issues and also with LDS leaders to help them see the direction LDS scholars are going to address these issues.  This 10 page pdf is a very helpful […]

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